Reviewing Estimates

The Estimating tab allows you to compare different distributions to the raw data to see which ones will best fit each cause group. By default, only Competing Weibull and LogNormal are calculated. You can estimate other distributions by clicking the "Estimate" button next to each option. The bar shown after the parameters is meant to be a guide to the goodness of the fit; however, charts showing the raw data and all of the estimated fits are available for both time to failure and time to repair to make sure you get the best possible fit. Shown below is an example where the Competing Weibull shows a better fit in the bar, but the Cumulative Weibull is clearly the best fit when looking at the chart.

Once you have decided which fit you would like for each cause group, select all of the distributions by clicking on the radio buttons to the left. You can then click the "Export Model" button, highlighted in red below, to export your interrupt distributions in a format that can be consumed by Aidos Performance Predictor.

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